Европейская организация докторского образования в области биомедицины и наук о здоровье (ORPHEUS) проводит научный семинар „Responsible Conduct in Research“ в Дубровнике с 24 по 26 июня 2013 г. - КАЗАХСТАНСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ "ВШОЗ"

«образование через всю жизнь»

Европейская организация докторского образования в области биомедицины и наук о здоровье (ORPHEUS) проводит научный семинар „Responsible Conduct in Research“ в Дубровнике с 24 по 26 июня 2013 г.

The workshop will be held in Dubrovnik at Interuniversity Centre (IUC) (http://www.iuc.hr/) with renown international lecturers from the fields of ethics in science and research; Reidar K. Lie University of Bergen, Department of Philosophy, Adjunct Research Fellow, Department of Bioethics Clinical Canter National Institutes of Health, USA and former Head, Unit on International Research Department of Bioethics Clinical Canter National Institutes of Health, USA  and Henk ten Have, Director and Professor McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts Center for Healthcare Ethics, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh USA, former  Director of the Division of Ethics of Science and Technology at UNESCO.
The workshop is collaboration between ORPHEUS, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Duquesne University from Pittsburgh, University of Rijeka Faculty of Law and University of Bergen.

The participation fee is 250 Euro. Each participant will be given and educational package. Scholarships HESP/OSCE may be obtained by participants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of Georgia, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine. Scholarships may be granted to PhD students or to young faculty members under the age of 40 who are studying or working in fields of humanities and social sciences (including public health or medical ethics). Scholarships cover costs of hotel accommodation (half board) in Dubrovnik. Exceptionally, a limited number of participants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Republic of Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine may receive partial compensation of travel expenses.

All the information about the scholarships can be obtained on the web of IUC (http://www.iuc.hr/).

For all the information about the workshop contact Ana Borovecki abor@mef.hr.